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In 2012 my 2 year old had a medical emergency, we didn't know what was in store; Like an angel he came through NCH door. He consulted with my doctors they came up with a plan; And with the utmost compassion he comforted and held my hand. Reassuring me my little girl would be just fine; Doctor Jacobson is the type of doctor we found right on time. A thank you alone doesn't seem to be enough to say from my family and from me; Doctor Jacobson is the type of doctor they all should strive and hope to be.

Cindy BrandNaples, Florida

Several years ago my wife met Dr. Jacobson, she had an extensive medical history and became a patient of his. If not for Dr. Jacobson she may not be alive today. His understanding, knowledge, compassion and professionalism saved her life. Dr. Jacobson is a doctor who cares about his patients first and foremost, something you rarely find today.

Ric HauserThe Villages Florida

My name is Jane Hauser and unfortunately for me, I am a “professional patient” who feels so lucky to have found the most wonderful doctor and his name is Dr. Mark Jacobson. It took me almost a lifetime to find a doctor that I thought existed only in my dreams. I am so blessed to have him in my life and to be under his care. All I can say in closing is that when all the doctors dismissed my symptoms he kept listening, and to find a doctor who does that is priceless to me.

Jane HauserThe Villages Florida
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